Directorships and Committee Memberships
Charter One Financial, Inc.
and its subsidiary, Charter One Bank, N.A.
(October 1995 to September 2004)
Member of the Board of Directors of Charter One Financial, Inc., a publicly owned holding company (NYSE) of Charter One Bank, N.A. from October 31, 1995 to September 1, 2004. Charter One Bank, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, was among the 25 largest banks in the country, with approximately $44 billion in total assets. Additionally, served as Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board and was a member of the Corporate Governance/Nominating and Policy Committees of the Board.
Chairman of the Strategic Alternatives Committee of the Board, which examined various strategic considerations for the Company and ultimately determined that the best interests of the Company and shareholders would be to sell Charter One to a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland. At the time of its initial public offering in 1988, Charter One had a market capitalization of approximately $60 million; it was sold 16 years later to Royal Bank of Scotland for $10 billion. The senior partner of the Wachtell Lipton law firm, which acted as special counsel to the Board in connection with the sale, commented in a letter to me: “I want to commend you for ‘quarterbacking’ an absolutely first-rate Board process for Charter One. It was the very best I have ever seen.”
FirstFed Michigan Corporation
and First Federal of Michigan
(Decebmer 1985 to October 1995)
Formerly a member of the Board of Directors and member of the Audit Committee of First Federal of Michigan from December, 1985 until October 31, 1995, and a member of the Board of Directors and member of the Audit Committee of its publicly owned holding company, FirstFed Michigan Corporation (NASDAQ), from its incorporation until October 31, 1995. First Federal of Michigan was a major thrift in the State of Michigan. On October 31, 1995, FirstFed Michigan Corporation merged into Charter One Financial, Inc. and First Federal of Michigan merged into Charter One Bank.
William Beaumont Hospitals
Member of the Board of Directors (the governing board) of William Beaumont Hospitals. Beaumont owns and operates acute care hospital facilities, with more than 1,400 licensed beds, at three locations in Oakland and Wayne Counties, Michigan, and, in addition, owns or leases hospital-related medical office buildings, clinics and other facilities. Its annual revenues exceed $3 billion. Serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board and as a member and Vice Chair of the Board’s Investment Committee. Formerly served as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Also serve as a member of the Board of Directors of Beaumont’s captive insurance subsidiary, Beaumont Indemnity Company, Ltd.
H. W. Kaufman Financial Group, Inc.
Member of the Board of Directors of H. W. Kaufman Financial Group, Inc. Primarily through its subsidiaries, the Company acts as a nationwide general agent and broker of specialty insurance products, principally property and casualty coverages. The Company is the country’s largest independent wholesale agency of specialty insurance coverage with annual premiums received in excess of $700 million. Member of the Audit Committee of the Board.
USF Insurance Company
Member of the Board of Directors of USF Insurance Company, a property and casualty insurance company which writes business as a surplus lines carrier in more than 40 states, with annual premium writings in excess of $75 million. Member of the Audit and Investment Committees of the Board.
The 1911 Trust Company
Member of the Board of Directors of The 1911 Trust Company, a private trust company headquartered in New Hampshire, which manages and monitors a family wealth office managing more than 200 trusts, with $700 million of investable assets. Member of the Audit Committee of the Board.
Pulte Home Corporation
From 1974 to 1994, served as Secretary and General Counsel of Pulte Home Corporation, a publicly owned holding company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and today the largest builder of single family homes in the United States.
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About Mark Shaevsky
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Directorships & Committee Memberships
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Farmington Hills, Michigan
Phone (248) 737-0808
Fax (248) 737-8811